Wednesday 15 April 2020

Puzzle of the Day

There are 27 figures of speech in this photo, can you guess one?

This was our puzzle of the day for our first day of working from home. If you can figure out any of these that would be great if you can; Post them in the comments below. Try to solve as many of these as possible.

A list of a few that I have found:

Kick the Bucket
Cat's got his tounge.
Time flies
Spill the beans
A Screw loose
Don't put all your eggs in 1 bucket.
Don't get cold feet.

Here is a list of all the answers if you need help, or use them to boost your vocabulary!

Use this to see if you got them all right.

  1. Silver spoon in one’s mouth
  2. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
  3. Hit the nail on the head
  4. Time flies
  5. A picture is worth a thousand words
  6. Plate is full
  7. Kick the bucket
  8. Crow over
  9. The shoe is on the other foot
  10. Cats got your tongue
  11. An ace up your sleeve
  12. Cards close to one’s chest
  13. You can’t make an omelette without breaking egg
  14. Spill the beans
  15. Cut to the chase
  16. In a nutshell
  17. Put a bug in someone’s ear
  18. Put one’s best foot forward
  19. Cherry on the cake
  20. Red herring
  21. Big cheese
  22. A piece of cake
  23. Make ends meet
  24. Joker in the pack
  25. Tie in knots
  26. Holding a cat by a tail
  27. Heart on one’s sleeve

1 comment:

  1. Carter - It was nice to see you this morning. You googled the answers so early on! It might have been useful not to post the answers so soon, so you, and others, can enjoy the challenge :)
    Mrs G


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