Monday 11 May 2020

My Bubble Memories

These are some of my best memories from the time spent in my bubble, well it's really just the only photos I could find but that's beside the point. I really liked some of these moments, like eating that bread. Or eating the wicked wings from KFC. And making and eating that cake. I also liked getting the warrant for my Triumph Trident T150 2. I found it pretty difficult to get some of the photos, but I liked reminiscing on the lockdown.

Overall I have enjoyed lockdown but can't wait for it to be over with so we can get out again.


  1. Hi Carter,
    Great photos! Is that your own bike for one day? It looks big. Did you do the baking / bread making or was that one of your parents? Either way they look delicious. I feel exactly the same about lockdown. I enjoyed it, but it feels like it is time to get on with life.
    Mrs Gibson

    1. Hi Miss Gibson, that is actually a bike that I own; My Dad owns half and I own the other half of it.

      I helped with some of the bread baking. But I helped most with eating the bread.

  2. Hi Cutter I am Liam from Pompallier school
    I really Liked how you designed your post in the way you did it was it looks like you have been get up to a lot of fun!!

  3. wow cater am jason friend man just wax that bike it will be COOOOOOOOl


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