Tuesday 2 November 2021

Equivalent Fractions

Equivalent Fractions

WALT: Understand Equivalent Fractions on a Year 8/9 level.

In this video it is me and Harlem providing you with some tips and a quick run-through on how to do equivalent fractions, to break it down in case the sick techno drowned the music out I will give you a quick rundown.

First, you look at the two fractions, look at the top number on the left and right and figure out how many times the left goes into the right, and then multiply that number by the bottom one to get the answer on the right. This activity is available on MathsBuddy for anyone to try, review this video if you would like and leave a comment to tell us how we did.

Another rundown on another type of equivalent fractions problem, say you were met with "Which is the same as 1/3?" First, you would multiply the top number by 3 to see if it went into the bottom, and boom you have the answer.

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